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Usable in business situations! The meaning and usage of "I have been disappointed" explained

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I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry, sir.

Have you ever heard this phrase, "I'm sorry to disappoint you"? You may not hear this phrase in daily conversation, but you may hear it in business situations in the future.

When is this phrase used? In this article, we will introduce the meaning and usage of the phrase "I have been disappointed" in business situations, as well as examples of how to use it in business conversations.

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Meaning of "I'm sorry, sir."

I had forgotten about it" means "I had inadvertently forgotten about it" or "I had forgotten about it".

The word "lost memory" indicates inadvertent forgetting or forgetfulness, and is used as a polite way of expressing these words.

This phrase is often used when working. It is more polite than "I forgot" and is used both in conversation and in e-mails.

It is also used for superiors such as superiors, business partners, and customers.

Sorry for the delay, I had forgotten to reply.

This is used when you want to say that you have inadvertently forgotten something, such as when you are late replying to an e-mail.

May I check again because I have lost track of the contents?

When you use this phrase, you have forgotten something you should have done. Since it is your mistake, it is best to follow this phrase with an apology.

I'm sorry. "I'm terribly sorry." and other polite phrases.

To learn more about business Japanese, check out the following articles!

How do you say "I'm sorry" in English?

There is no English expression that has the nuance of wishing the other person well because it is an honorific expression peculiar to the Japanese language.

As the content is close to the meaning of "forgotten," it can be rephrased using "forgot" or expressed as follows.

  • It must have slipped my mind. 
  • It slipped my mind.

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    In this article, we have tried to explain the meaning and usage of the phrase "I have been disappointed.

    Everyone forgets things by accident, even at work. If you want to use the most polite language possible to express that you feel bad at such times, please use this phrase.

    When you want to do your job smoothly, some people will listen to you just for that if you can use polite language. Along with this phrase, you may be forgiven if you can also say your apologizing phrase in a polite way.

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    Goandup Picks > Japanese Language Study > Business Japanese > Usable in business situations! The meaning and usage of "I have been disappointed" explained